February 2012

Hans and Mariet in Hollandse Hout
January 2012

Sawing of the stems
January 2012

Sawing the 2cm thick stem-disks
January 2012

Hard labour
January 2012

Pure strength
January 2012

Tree stems were cut into 5 pieces of 1m
February 2012

Stem measurements
January 2012

Sawing of the stems and stem disks
February 2012

Lourens in Hollandse Hout
January 2012

Gathering small stems
January 2012

Stems from different tree species
February 2012

Plots in Hollandse Hout
February 2012

Carriers for gas cylinders can also carry tree stems
January 2013
1y harvest: Many hands make light work
January 2013
1y harvest: New species added
January 2013
1y harvest: First decay visible
January 2013
1y harvest: Moss growth
January 2013
1y harvest: Soil under the harvested stems
January 2013
1y harvest: The right way to do it...
January 2013
1y harvest: ...and the wrong way.
January 2013
1y harvest: Fungi
January 2013
1y harvest: litter bags with stems, twigs or litter
January 2013
1y harvest: litter bags