- Hans Cornelissen - Coordinator
tree functional traits and their afterlife effects
Systems Ecology, Department of Ecological Science
Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, VU University Amsterdam
- Ute Sass-Klaassen
tree anatomy and its afterlife effects
Forest Ecology and Forest Management, Wageningen University (WUR)
- Mariet Hefting
lignin chemistry and soil organic matter storage
Ecology and Biodiversity
Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University
People involved so far (in alphabetical order)
- Rien Aerts - head of Systems Ecology, VU Amsterdam - nutrient stoichiometry, facilitating LOGLIFE
- Matty Berg - Animal Ecology, VU University Amsterdam - colonisation of wood by invertebrate communities
- Wietse de Boer - NIOO Wageningen - microbial colonisation, succession and interactions
- Vincent Crétin - MSc student, Forest Ecology and Management, WUR - wood density
- Bas Dingemans - PhD student, Ecology and Biodiversity, Utrecht University - LOGLIFE web site manager
- Gregoire Freschet - SLU, UmeƄ, Sweden - forest biogeochemistry
- Koert van Geffen - Ecology and Nature Conservation, WUR - forest biogeochemistry
- Leo Goudzwaard - Forest Ecology and Management, WUR - forestry and forest ecology; coordination fieldwork
- Jurgen van Hal - Systems Ecology, VU Amsterdam - invertebrate animals, coordination fieldwork
- René Klaassen - Stichting Hout Research, Wageningen - wood quality assessment (e.g. durability, microbial infection)
- Jop de Klein - manager landgoed Schovenhorst - facilitating LOGLIFE
- Juul Limpens - Ecology and Nature Conservation, WUR - coordinator fungal community assessment, with the Toadstool Team consisting of: Emiel Brouwer, Nico Dam, Marjo Dam, Mirjam Veerkamp, Bart van den Berg
- Richard van Logtestijn - Systems Ecology, VU Amsterdam - tree chemical traits, isotopic analysis, LOGLIFE database manager, coordination fieldwork
- Frits Mohren - head of Forest Ecology and Management, WUR - forest productivity and forest modelling; facilitating LOGLIFE
- Jan den Ouden - Forest Ecology and Management, WUR - forest ecology
- Lourens Poorter - Forest Ecology and Management, WUR - tree functional traits and their afterlife effects
- Jos Rutten - contact person Staatsbosbeheer Horsterwold and Hollandse Hout
- Franck Sterck - Forest Ecology and Management, WUR - tree architecture, allocation, forest modelling
- Nic van der Velde - MSc student, Forest Ecology and Management, WUR - wood traits, forestry
- Annemieke van der Wal - NIOO Wageningen: VENI postdoc - microbial colonisation, succession and interactions
- Monique Weemstra - PhD student at Forest Ecology and Management, WUR - tree root ecology and forest structure and dynamics
- Juan Zuo - PhD student VU University Amsterdam - decay of different tree species and tree organs and their associated biodiversity